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Small Beauty Haul

I don't think I can go into Walmart or Target and not get something from the cosmetics/beauty aisle! I just can't! The struggle is real, y'all.

We went to Walmart after church this past Sunday. I grabbed a few things and I thought I would share!

1. Dr Teal's Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution - I was SO excited to pick this up! My hubby was with me, so he got to choose the scent - this one is great! I've read that epsom salt is good for soaking and easing muscle soreness. I'm about to start a 12 week fitness challenge and I knew this would come in handy! The first week that I start any kind of new fitness routine, I am always extremely sore and stiff. I might go through this bag pretty quick - we shall see!

2. Carmex Classic Lip Balm (in the stick tube!) - I am not ashamed that I am so, super picky about my Carmex. You know... it either comes in the squeeze tubes, the little jars, or these stick tubes that roll up. Well, these roll up kind are my favorite! And I don't like the flavored ones, ew! I was kind of freaking out that they only had the three pack available, but it worked out perfectly! I have the hardest time finishing an entire tube of chapstick. I can never even keep up with the same tube long enough to finish it. I added one to my makeup bag, one to my purse, and one to my diaper bag! Now I will have one where ever I am at all times! It's the little things, y'all!

3. Biore Deep Cleansing Charcoal Pore Strips - These are so popular in a beauty group I'm in on Facebook! They seem like they work really well, too. Things like this really intrigue me. Like, part of me only bought them to release my inner Dr. Pimple Popper just to see if there is anything that actually comes out onto the strips! I just might have to do a review on these soon! ;)

Have you gotten anything new lately?! Share with me!

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